The ErasDu KA1 VET project and consortium

ErasDu In a nutshell

The Flemish KA1 VET Accredited consortium for ErasDu sends – per school year - approximately 100 students from various Flemish VET schools for a short term work placement to foreign companies. This is only possible with the support of various partner organizations in different EU-countries. At the same time, we are willing to receive students from abroad.

Diverse training pathways and professions

The training pathways/professions of the participants vary a lot. We predominantly send out heterogeneous groups (or even individuals) from different schools and professions and include VET students with special needs.

Activities of the participants

The participants should perform several activities during their mobility: first, there is learning (professional en key competences development via the internship at the placement company an by self-organizing their stay abroad). Furthermore, the participants should participate at a socio-cultural activities, and will have the opportunity to develop foreign language skills. Finally, we expect the participants to take on an ambassador role by promoting the importance of the international dimension and international mobility to their peers.

ErasDu Project Structure

CONNECTIEF is the ErasDu-project promotor, coordinating and facilitating the project throughout Flanders. To this end, CONNECTIEF works with the different educational network organizations and various VET schools in Flanders in a consortium. As an NGO, our services to the Flemish schools in the consortium are free of charge.

This means that CONNECTIEF is nor a sending, nor a receiving organization in this project. The Flemish schools in our consortium will take on these roles. To that end, an agreement is made with the schools. The schools are responsible for finding work placements, lodging, monitoring, … for the students they’ll receive.

CONNECTIEF is the SPOC (Single Point Of Contact) for all transnational contacts for the project.

Our transnational relations are, in almost all cases, based on reciprocity. No transnational partners are paid, but we offer similar services to each other.

Connectief vzw develops and leads projects that meet the needs of education and training aiming for the labour market. Connectief helps schools to find or create projects with a broad target group in the Flemish region or larger. Connectief is an initiative of the Flemish public education and training providers targeting sectors like mobility, logistics, chemics, trade, administration and sales, accounting, HR, ...

ErasDu ondersteunt scholen en opleidingscentra D/A bij internationaliseringsactiviteiten.
Contacteer ons voor meer informatie.

  • Keizerslaan 11
  • 1000 Brussel
  • BE0879 785 743
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